The stars align…

It’s been a busy month at LD HQ! As the planets have been aligning in the skies above us, things have been nicely slotting into place here too.

We ran a competition, released a new batch of dates and have been working on new content.

Valentine Competition

To celebrate Valentine’s, we ran a competition through our website and social media. A range of puzzles, from the missing Miss Portico herself, were released daily. They started simple and became more involved and challenging as the week continued. There was quite a lot of interest in it, but I may have made it harder than intended! In the end we got five successful entries.

Although the big prize has been claimed, (Congratulations again Ellie!) we decided, as it seemed to be tricky, we would leave the puzzles up as a taster of what you can expect at an event (without the amazing location, food, staff and 4‑poster beds unfortunately!) and as an incentive — there is a small prize still available for anyone who gets to the end of the puzzles.

Apophenia strikes again!

As an aside — I discovered the alphabet used in the postcard. It was developed before braille as an alphabet for the blind and is considered easier to read. Also it looks fab and being developed by someone called Moon — another delightful incident of apophenia!

New Dates in May

We announced a couple of new dates recently. This time in May. We’ve named the events Beltane, and are excited to be hosting events during the summer months. Although Treowen looked spectacular in the snow, and it was a joy to have candlelight and roaring fires, it will be delightful to see the stunning gardens in full bloom.

Both these dates will be main LD events, though there has been plenty of interest in the ball so make sure to keep in touch through our pages and the mailing list to be the first to hear when we announce new events.

We have a special midweek discount running for our Equinox date at the moment too. So if you can be free and in Monmouthshire on March 29th and fancy a narrative, scavenger hunt, escape room and theatrical experience with fine dining and cocktails in a unique and beautiful location, then you can join us with 25% off the usual price!


We’ve been beavering away on content behind the scenes too. The ball is obviously our biggest priority at the moment, with new props being acquired new stories being written and new puzzles developed. I don’t want to give much away here — spoilers darling! — but we’re pretty excited. I’ve has been writing stories and developing dance related Grand Birdsong. I hope those of you coming along at the start of April have sorted your dancing shoes — it’s going to be fun!

Lovecraft bound?

Additionally, we have started looking ahead to the end of the year — yeah it’s pretty scary — and thinking of what comes next. We have some pretty exciting ideas we are playing with around the Cthulhu mythos. We aren’t ready to reveal yet — but it’s coming. Again, make sure you sign up to the mailing list. We’ll be announcing new things there first, and taking ideas from our community on ways to develop and on what teasers to release first. We also send out special discounts and restricted items — so come and join the community!

That’s it for now. Let us know on our Social media what you’d like to know about. I can release teasers so get in touch. I genuinely love hearing from you all!

Dream Responsibly.



Critically Acclaimed!


Celebrate Imbolc with some shiny merch!